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Published : 2012-09-22

IMPACT Chefs Turn Thai Food & Chocolate into Gold

World culinary judges bestowed top honors for chefs at Thailand’s largest MICE venue. Fine dining is not only reserved for the world’s top restaurants. The professional chefs at IMPACT won gold medals for their skills preparing modern Thai cuisine and creating a chocolate sculpture at Thailand Ultimate Chef Challenge. Over 300 professional chefs entered in this interdisciplinary competition which was held over five days.

Published : 2012-06-02

IMPACT Proudly Presents “IMPACT Ride for Longer Life”

IMPACT continues its energy savingefforts after being the first exhibition venue to earnthe ISO 50001 certification. “Ride for Longer Ride” is the latest activity that encouragesall employees to ride bicycles to work instead of driving.The goal is to lower fuelconsumption which in turn reduces pollution and benefits worker health as well. IMPACT arranged energy management workshops to help educate employees and raise awareness.

Published : 2012-03-02


Exceptional value is being offered with the first ever meetings package launched by IMPACT Exhibition Management Co., Ltd. and the Novotel Bangkok IMPACT at Muang Thong Thani.

Published : 2012-03-02

Thailand Post teams with IMPACT to provide Fully-Integrated Logistics for Exhibitors

Thailand Post and IMPACT debut their latest cooperative service, fully-integrated logistics, for exhibitors and organizers as well as providing storage space for daily pick-ups and deliveries to support all events and exhibitions. Every Parcel can be tracked 24-hours via the Track & Trace service. The true test for the new service comes on February 21, 2012 when OTOP CITY 2012, one of the biggest trade shows of the year, begins.

Published : 2012-02-21



Published : 2012-01-27

IMPACT 启用天桥连接会议中心(IMPACT Forum)和湖畔区,益于超过500万观众参观泰国年度最大博览会 — 2011 BOI博览会

为迎接2011 BOI博览,IMPACT启用天桥以连接会议中心和湖畔区。为超过500万展商和观众参加博览会带来便利,IMPACT投资9,000万泰铢建造了该天桥。展会将于2012年1月5日至20日举行,为期16天。

Published : 2011-12-29

IMPACT 投资7百万泰铢升级会场安全系统

IMPACT在TIS 22300标准下,继续运行会展业安全管理系统以赢得更多国内外主办方、参展商和专业观众的信任。5月份约有30万名观众参观泰国购物天堂、第3届跑车和进口车展、2012金融博览会、2012亚洲世界食品博览会。为更好地管理和监控会场秩序、让客人感到安心安全、保障会场安全,监测与预防在IMPACT孟通他尼的犯罪行为,IMPACT投资7百万泰铢用于升级其安全系统,包括安装新的照明设备、在会场增设到512台闭路监控摄像头、建立闭路电视控制室等。

Published : 2011-05-02

35,000 Rotarians Descend on IMPACT for Annual Convention

IMPACT prepares for the biggest meeting ever hosted, the 2012 Rotary International Convention, organized for the first time in Thailand. Careful planning and development of facilities, air-conditioning systems, electricity as well as traffic management improvements such as an additional lane and parking spaces will ensure a successful experience sure to impress the over 35,000 international Rotarians during May 6-9, 2012.

Published : 2011-04-02